Fingers Length and Shapes | Palmistry

Introduction of Fingers

  • The First Finger (Index Finger) is called the Finger of Jupiter.
  • The Second (Middel Finger) is called the Finger of Saturn.
  • The Third (Ring Finger) is called the Finger of The Sun.
  • The Fourth (Small Finger) is called the Finger of Mercury.


The Finger of Jupiter, when long, gives love of power and command over others. When short it denotes dislike of responsibility and lack of ambition.

The Finger of Saturn, when long gives prudence, love of solitude and a reserved, studious disposition. When short it denotes frivolity and general lack of seriousness in all things.

The Finger of the Sun, when long gives love of the beautiful, desire for celebrity and fame, but when excessively long, the tendency inclines more toward notoriety, risk in speculation, the love of money and gambling. When short it denotes a dislike of all these things.

The Finger of Mercury, when long gives mental power, grasp of languages, and power of expression, especially in speech. When short it denotes difficulty in speaking, and in the expression of thoughts. When crooked, with an irregular Head Line, it is an evil sign of the Mentality.

The fingers should be long in proportion to the palm; they then denote greater intellectuality and mental power. When short and stubby looking, the subject is inclined to animalism and gross materialism.

When the fingers lean towards one another, they take after the qualities expressed by the finger towards which they lean.

Distance Between Fingers

The space between two fingers has its own significance. A wide space between the thumb and first finger denotes independence of will and fearlessness.

When wide between the first and second fingers, independence of thought; between the second and third fingers, independence of circumstances; and wide between the third and fourth fingers, independence of action.


When the fingers are found loose and inclined to curve backwards, the subject is “open-minded” and quick to grasp ideas or suggestions. They will not, however, have the more methodical stick-at-it quality of those whose fingers are found firm and stiff.

When the fingers are curved inwards, the subject is slower to grasp new ideas, very cautious, and inclined to hold on to what he knows or what he has.


Smooth-jointed fingers are more impulsive than those with “knotty joints”. The “knotty joints” arrest the impetuousness of the disposition and give reflection, love of detail in all their work and are more frequently found in the hands of all great organisers and those who require thought and reflection in carrying out their plans.

Tags:- Fingers Length and Shapes, Cheiro Palmistry with Modern Approach

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