The Girdle of Venus | Palmistry

The Girdle of Venus

The Girdle of Venus (Saturn Ring), is semicircle line which rises between the base of the index finger and middle finger and ends between the base of little finger and ring finger is called the girdle of Venus.

What Does Girdle Of Venus Mean In Palmistry?

Cheiro words

I have not in my experience found this mark to indicate the gross sensuality that is so often ascribed to it by other writers. It should be remembered that the hand is divided by the Line of Head, as it were, into two hemispheres, the lower and the upper.

The lower relates to the physical or more animal side of the nature, and the upper to the intellectual. Following this arrangement, it is only reasonable to assume that this mark under consideration, viz., the Girdle of Venus, relates more to the mental side of the symbolism of the Venus nature.

I have found that persons with this sign are more mentally sensual than physically so. They love to read or write books on the subject of the “sex problem,” but they are not inclined to put their theories and ideas into practice, at least with their own lives.

The qualities, however, that this mark represents are much more active and dangerous when this Girdle forms itself from the Mount of Saturn to that of Mercury. The imaginings of such people are then morbid and unhealthy.

To those who study Astrology, the inference that I draw from the connection of these two parts of the hand will become clear and reasonable.

When broken or made up of little pieces, the Girdle of Venus has little meaning except to show a hysterical temperament, with a leaning towards the tendencies I have mentioned above.

These persons in all cases suffer enormously from moods, they are very difficult to live with, and when the Girdle of Venus runs off the side of the hand and passes out through the Marriage Lines, their moody, changeable natures generally make marriage for them an unusually unhappy experience.

Analysis of Saturn Ring

Gridle of Venus also regarded as the sister line of Heart Line which is often seen on the soft palms.

  • If you have a girdle of Venus, then you will take longer to recover from heart break than other people
  •  A complete Girdle of Venus is not as bad as one which is broken. It denotes increased sensuality.
  • If the Girdle of Venus is in waves, it indicates nervousness.
  • Multiple Rings of Venus are very curious and inquisitive on anything.
  • People with the broken Ring of Venus in the middle are sentimental and amorous.
  • short Ring of Venus are suspicious, inflexible and irresolute, lack of security.

These marks are classed among the minor lines of the hands, but they often have a significance that is of the greatest importance.

Girdle of Venus Remides

  1. Improve the self-cultivation, maintain an optimistic mood.
  2. Communicate with others.
  3. Sometimes, the trauma could be so severe that people might need therapy.
  4. Meditation and music therapy might help.

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Tags:- The Girdle of Venus, Cheiro Palmistry with Modern Approach

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